Friday, May 16, 2008

"I Love Him, but Writing Emails Scares Me"

This one came from Suzanne of Dallas, Texas.

Well, Suzanne - me too.

I loved Nick, but never told him so - on the phone or in the mails. "Tongue-tied" was an understatement; many times I thought I swallowed my tongue! I tried writing Nick emails, but I could never get past "Hello, Nick"...

Then one day, I saw him with Grace.

Brian came along, and everyone thought I would let another chance pass me by. Not anymore!

Suzanne, you should know that some men experience difficulty, as much as most women do, in expressing their feelings to the opposite sex. There are few women and men who happen to be born with gift of gab while the rest of us can only beat our chests for feeling downright awkward and stupid on occasions where saying "I love you" could have been perfect.

Don't despair. The internet offers innovative ideas on how to say "I love You" effortlessly; in fact, expressing emotions has never been easier today than it was yesterday when people had to rely solely on words and gestures - and perhaps few bottles of whisky. Today, anyone can glib-talk without actually talking!

Obviously, I am referring to one of my favorites. Have you not noticed? I have them all strewn lavishly on my pages!

"Zaazu" is the name. Find out more about zaazu, here.

With the help of Zaazu, you will realize that writing emails can be a lot of fun! Pouring down your thoughts on the blank screen would no longer be a challenge because with just a few clicks, you can compose your message, sans the written word.

Here's what I sent Brian:
Click on the image to see more.

Nothing's too difficult about it, see? And it expressed for me more than what I could have had the courage to say to him...

Try it!

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